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Accidents & Prevention

Ouch!  It’s a fact of life accidents and sudden illnesses happen.

Poison control 1-800-222-1222

If your child is stricken, don’t panic!  Call our office and let the receptionist or answering service know the situation so they can inform the doctor immediately.  Please use our main phone number, (251) 344-1502, which is answered 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

When calling after office hours our answering service will notify the triage nurse who will return your call, so please keep your telephone line clear.  If, in your judgment, a true emergency exists needing immediate attention call 911 then call our office for further instructions.

Here are a few tips on what to do in case your child has an accident.


Toxic Ingestions

If your child is acting sick after ingestion of a substance you should call 911.

You should always keep medications (prescription and over-the-counter) as well as chemicals out of your child’s reach and in a locked cabinet.

Do not give your child ipecac to make them throw up. This can do more harm than good and is no longer recommended.

Poison control 1-800-222-1222
If your child has an ingestion that you are concerned about call Poison Control Center at this phone number.  Give them as much information as possible about the ingestion and they will give you further instructions.

Keep this phone number readily available. We recommend that you keep this number in your mobile phone.

Ingestion of Foreign Body

If your child has ingested an object and is in pain, drooling, or having trouble breathing you should call 911.

If your child ingested a coin the size of a quarter or smaller and is not having any pain or trouble breathing call our office at 251-344-1502. Most objects this size will pass on through. You can look for the object to appear in the stool. If it has not passed within a few days call the office.

If your child ingested something other than a small coin like a large coin, battery, pin, or any jagged or sharp object head to the ER.


Call 911 if your child is unconscious or seriously injured.

Bumps, bruises, scrapes, cuts and falls happen every day. Most of the time these don’t lead to serious injury and we are thankful for that. If your child is injured and you are not sure what to do you should give us a call. Depending on the injury we may want to see your child in the office or if it is after hours send you to the ER.

Car Safety

Automobile accidents are the number one cause of death in children. It is vitally important for your child’s car seat to be installed properly. For more information and a list of local places where you can get help installing your car seat and learn more about automobile safety please go to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration website.

Insect Bites

Here in Mobile, AL we share our outdoor and sometimes indoor space with al kinds of critters. Mosquitoes, spiders, wasps and bees can strike anytime.

If your child is bitten and there are signs of serious allergic reaction like difficulty breathing or swallowing or vomiting you should seek medical attention immediately or call 911.

Pediatric Associates of Mobile/USA Health

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+1 (251) 344-1502
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740 Museum Drive, Suite E
Mobile, Alabama 36608

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